I Cloud Hosting
Posted By Jennie Mcculloch Posted On

Why I Cloud Hosting is the Way to Go for Newbies

If you have any experience with web hosting, you know that it can be an ugly, frustrating process. The first thing I want to make clear is that this is completely untrue for cloud hosting.

The first time I ever set up a website, I used the cheapest option possible. The host’s control panel was horrible, and the performance was terrible. Even for a newbie, it was a rough ride.

Now, if you don’t know anything about web hosting, a traditional server isn’t a good option. If you don’t know anything about web hosting, you’re going to need to pay someone a lot of money to do it for you. That’s why you need to learn everything you can about web hosting, so that you can make an informed decision.

With IBM i hosting, the setup process is completely different. It’s simply a matter of uploading the files to the provider’s hosting. There are some extra bells and whistles, but those are optional.

I Cloud Hosting

What this means is that you don’t have to worry about:

  • Price – When you’re a newbie, you don’t have to worry about budgeting. If you find a provider with a low price tag, you’ll probably get great performance for that. Once you become more experienced, you can go back to a lower-price plan.
  • Reliability – The first time I hosted a website, I had to wait a day or two to get things up and run. The next time, it was done in a few hours. This is because I could rely on my provider to keep things running smoothly. If something were to go wrong, it would be taken care of.
  • Security – I can’t even begin to tell you how many hours I spent trying to figure out how to configure basic website security. A cloud provider’s hosting environment is almost entirely secure. The best part is that they actually make security part of the process.
  • Speed – This one is somewhat self-explanatory. The provider’s servers will be much faster than the server I had to deal with in the past.

There’s a reason that these are considered “cloud” benefits. Cloud providers are changing the world. By taking advantage of what they have to offer, you can enjoy the benefits without any of the drawbacks.

For newbies, it’s super simple. Just log into your provider’s hosting control panel. From there, you can upload files, access your email, and more. If you’ve never hosted a website before, the entire setup process should take no more than a few minutes.